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It’s time for the next steps in the enrollment process. 

If you haven’t already done so, be sure to file the FAFSA before the March 1st priority deadline. 

Review the following categories to complete the appropriate steps to solidify your spot in the new student class. 


Finalizing your Admissions (Office of Admissions)

Office of Admissions Contact Information:

Accessing mail from the Office 365 system

  • Use any updated Internet browser and navigate to
  • Sign-in using your complete XULA email address as the username. The password is the same one used to access the campus portal or Brightspace. If you do need your password, you can Click Here.
  • IT will NOT email you about your passwords. Do NOT click any links about any passwords or job offers.
  • When logging in for the first time, you will be required to provide additional information and then set up a phone for multi-factor authentication.

Using My XULA, you can access banner web under Everyday Tools where you will be able to view your financial aid package and accept all scholarships, grants and need-based aid. For questions regarding your financial aid, connect with the Office of Student Financial Aid or call them at 504-520-7835.

For questions regarding your student account and billing for tuition and fees,  connect with the Office of Student Accounts or call them at 504-520-7667. 


Fall Term: May 1

Spring Term: December 1

Submit your enrollment deposit online. This deposit is non-refundable after May 1st. All students are required to pay the enrollment deposit including athletic scholarship recipients. If you are accepted after the deposit deadline, you have 15 days from your acceptance date to submit your enrollment deposit. 


  • Confirm your offer of admissions by logging into your student application portal here.
  • Once you have logged into your student portal click Next steps → forms → reply to the admissions offer

  • Deposit Deadlines:
    • Fall Term: May 1st
    • Spring Term: December 1st
  • This deposit is non-refundable after May 1st. 
  • To receive a refund prior to May 1st please contact the Office of Admissions.
  • All students are required to pay the enrollment deposit including athletic scholarship recipients. 
  • If you are accepted after the deposit deadline, you have 15 days from your acceptance date to submit your enrollment deposit. 
  • For enrollment deposit deadline extensions please contact the Office of Admissions: (504) 520-7388
  • Please submit your enrollment deposit online below

Watch How to pay your enrollment deposit video

  • Upon graduation, send your official final high school transcript by July 1st. This official transcript must include the date of graduation. 
  • Final documents can be emailed to: by a high school counselor
  • Final documents can also be mailed to:

Office of Admissions

1 Drexel Drive

New Orleans, LA 70125

  • Be sure to request all AP, IB, CLEP, and/or college credit to be submitted by July 1st. 
  • Failure to meet this deadline may cause you to enroll in classes of which you may have placed out of previously. 
  • Visit the Credit Information page to learn more about credit policy. 
  • Student Academic Success Office (SASO),
  • Students who have applied test optional without official ACT/SAT test scores or demonstrated a need to satisfy one or more developmental course requirements will have the opportunity to take the ACCUPLACER Placement exam.

About the Accuplacer Next-Generation Exam

  • Exams must be scheduled by emailing:
  • To test, students will need a computer (desktop or laptop) with a webcam and audio capabilities. The test will be proctored remotely by the Student Academic Success Office
  • The exam is computer-based and is completely free.
  • Results are given immediately upon completion of the exam.
  • On average, the exam takes 1 hour per test to complete.
  • Practice Materials are available online through The College Board: 

*Fall Orientation: prior to the beginning of fall semester

In order to register for Orientation, your enrollment deposit must be received. In the middle of the spring semester, all deposited students will receive specific information regarding fall orientation. Learn more about orientation by visiting

Office of Financial Aid

Office of Financial Aid Contact Information:

Complete your FAFSA for Financial Aid & Scholarship Consideration

How to accept your Financial Aid Award

To accept your award, please follow these steps:

  • Go to Xavier University's website:
  • Click Quick Links
  • Click Online Resources
  • Click Banner Web, click Log in to Secure Area.
  • Enter your XULA User ID and your PIN (the month, the date, and last 2 digits of your birth year).
  • Select Student and Financial Aid.
  • Click on Virtual Financial Aid Office, then on Electronic Award Offer.
  • ·Click on Award Offer by Aid Year, and select the Aid year July 202_ - June 202_ from the drop menu, then click “Submit”. 

Financial Aid How to Accept or Decline award video:


The Office of Residential Education Contact Information: 


At Xavier, freshmen are given priority for on-campus housing, but living on campus is not required. Students interested in staying on campus are encouraged to apply early to increase their chances of being assigned to a preferred area. Transfer students are also eligible for on-campus housing.

The $300 non-refundable deposit must be ready at the time of application, as you cannot submit without paying in full.

Using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge follow the instructions below to complete this step.

For the direct link to the application, click here, then continue to number 3 below.

    1. Go to
    2. Click on Quick Links in the top right corner, then select Online Resources and search for Housing Application.
    3. This will take you to the Self-Service Portal. Log in using your XULA email and password , which are in your acceptance letter.
    4. Locate, complete & submit your housing application along with the deposit.

For more information, visit the Office of Residential Education at XULA Residential Life

Health Clearance (Office of Student Health Services)

Contact Information:

All Steps must be completed by July 1st

  1. Visit and click "register" to start a new account. Type in your school email address to get started and follow the directions to register a new account.
  2. Fill out any required personal, medical or insurance information. Download the required forms and follow the directions provided.
  3. Log back in to your Med+Proctor account and upload a copy of your forms. Make sure your forms are complete and legible. You will receive an email confirmation once the forms have been reviewed.

Visit Immunization Requirements for information and complete the Immunization Requirement Form.

Submit an insurance waiver by August 1st (fall) or Jan.1st (spring) if you have comparable insurance and wish to waive the Xavier Student Health Insurance from Gallagher Student Insurance. 

This waiver can be found at

If you do not submit a waiver for comparable coverage, your account will be automatically billed by Student Accounts. Visit for additional information.

Fiscal Clearance (Office of Fiscal Services)

Office of Fiscal Services Contact Information:

Upon reviewing your financial aid package and assessing your bill submitted by Student Accounts, please sign-in to your Banner Web account to make your payment. 

Visit Student Accounts to learn about payment options.

Friendly Reminders: 

  • The deadline to submit your enrollment deposit is May 1st. (December 1st for Spring Term). 
  • Apply early for on-campus housing. This is limited.