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Saving Scholars & Protecting Academic Freedoms: Xavier University Hosts Inaugural Meeting for Scholars at Risk U.S.

Saving Scholars & Protecting Academic Freedoms: Xavier University Hosts Inaugural Meeting for Scholars at Risk U.S.

On November 8, 2022, the report “Free to Think 2022” was released detailing and analyzing 391 attacks in 65 countries over the course of a year. The report, which analyzed the offenses occurring between September 1, 2021, and August 31, 2022, underscores the pervasive and urgent problem of attacks upon scholars. Xavier University of Louisiana, endowed with the mission to create a more just and humane society by educating the next generation of change-makers and leaders, is one of the allies in a global network designed to provide protection and shelter for victims while ensuring the human right to pursue education and inquiry.

Xavier is a member of Scholars at Risk (SAR), an association of more than 500 higher education institutions worldwide that focuses on protecting scholars and academic freedom. Member institutions provide refuge for threatened scholars from every corner of the world. With more than 100 member colleges and universities in the United States alone, the network aims to preserve the human rights of scholars of any nationality, including their rights to think, question and share ideas. University Provost Dr. Anne McCall currently serves as the Chair of the Steering Committee of the SAR United States division. 

“During my time as a member, I’ve become ever more impressed by the role that SAR plays around the world in protecting scholars and promoting academic freedom and appreciative of the way it aligns with our purpose at Xavier University. I look forward to beginning my work as chair and to serving this important organization,” said Dr. McCall upon her appointment as chair.

Beginning December 1, 2022, Xavier is honored to host the inaugural meeting of the SAR United States section with a rich planned program involving networking, discussion, debate and action for institutional representatives from across the country. United States Ambassador to the United Nations, the honorable Linda Thomas-Greenfield, will conclude the convening with a keynote address.

The entire Xavier campus community is invited to join in on the conversation, as well as any members of the university’s sister institutions in New Orleans and the surrounding areas. The impactful words of Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield on the value and purpose of academic freedom and freedom of inquiry will leave a lasting impact on the developing proponents for positive change that currently walk the halls of Xavier and other institutions as students. Under Xavier President of Dr. Verret, the university has hosted an on-campus professional development workshop for scholars sheltered by United States universities and has provided professional appointments to scholars in the program.